Session Twenty-Three — World of Warcraft: Redux (2024)

Appearing Characters: Arthak Saurfang, Azgadaan, Azuka Stormbreaker, Go'el, Gruul, Halno, Lantresor, Leoroxx, Levia Blackflight, Nitrogg Thundertower, Nyxxa, Rexxar, Sadras, Sylvos Windrunner

Outland Day 36

The group can see the Grimrail peeling through the hole in the mountain and coming to a stop inside the fortress known as Evermorn Hold. They fly down and land about a quarter of a mile outside the fortress, and they once more take their humanoid forms.

Go'el says: Well. Think we found our machine.

Arthak Saurfang says: I believe we have.

Azgadaan says: Oh. So they have a rail transport of their own. Almost like something we have at home but… primitive.

Arthak Saurfang says: Give it time. So, it’s propelled forward by fuel and the rails direct it?

Azgadaan says: Yes.

Arthak Saurfang says: Interesting.

Azgadaan says: Good for cargo and the like.

Arthak Saurfang says: And armor and weaponry.

Azgadaan says: Yes.

Go'el says: Well, should we go in and take a closer look? Maybe we can hear about happenings in the area.

Arthak Saurfang says: May be a good idea. Despite my fraught relationship with Blackhand, I don’t think that level of Horde politics will have gotten out this far.

Nyxxa says: I can keep an eye out.

Arthak Saurfang says: That sounds good.

Sadras says: I guess we’ll have to plug her ears if we’re getting closer... It’s loud enough out here.

Nyxxa chuffs.

Nyxxa says: I wasn’t going to say anything.

Sadras says: Yeah, you might have more of an issue, huh?

She twangs Nyxxa’s ear affectionately.

Nyxxa says: It’s like a tornado that doesn’t stop. But to each their own.

Arthak Saurfang says: The things we make… I find beautiful.

Nyxxa says: It’s definitely a feat. I just…

She looks in the general direction of the hold.

Nyxxa says: It’s just really loud.

Sadras smiles at Arthak, seeing the excitement on his face, but it fades a moment later.

Sadras says: It couldn’t hurt to take a look.

Levia, however, also looks very excited.

Arthak Saurfang says: If nothing else, it would provide us the fastest and most direct route to the Foundry. Blackrock are security conscious. If we arrive by a Blackrock vehicle there may be a certain level of acceptance.

Go'el says: As much as I hate to say it, that thing does look much faster than us, even with my magic.

Arthak Saurfang says: We should go make introductions.

Azgadaan uses alter self to disguise himself as a different eredar, and they head up the rocky outcroppings toward the wooden, steel-banded gate. Orcs on patrol look down at them, and upon seeing Arthak’s banner, greet him.

Blackrock Grunt says: State your business in Evermorn Hold.

Arthak Saurfang says: Arthak Saurfang. Chieftain. Passing through towards the Foundry.

The orc grunt nods.

Blackrock Grunt says: Very well. Open the gate!

Slowly, the chains and cranking mechanisms move to life and lift the gates into the air. Inside, there are barracks and strongholds, and there are wyrmtongues and peons working alongside each other on various tasks. Demons are definitely a minority, but there are also a few mo'arg and the like working on the fel machines present. At the train, there are a few individuals mulling about with steins and drinking horns in celebration while a few technicians patch up damage on the train.

Blackrock Grunt says: If you’re looking to book passage to the Foundry, you’ll need Nitrogg Thundertower.

He gestures at a towering orc who is solidly cased in steel armor. He is a solid foot taller than many other orcs, and is very close to 8 feet tall. The orc laughs, and the group can see burn scars on his bare skull which have been tattooed over with flames. He raises a drinking horn to some of the other orcs around him.

Arthak starts to mosey his way over to the group, tailed by his fellows. Some orcs give them some looks, but there is nothing particularly notable. Azgadaan gets some genuflections from groups of wyrmtongue. The gate to the fortress is closed behind them.

The man noted at Nitrogg looks at them once, then twice, and then he sees Arthak, and he grins. Arthak recognizes the orc as one who has a reputation of being a firebrand, and he is known for liking very large weapons. He is a centurion, which is a rank just below what Dranosh was.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: As I live and breathe. You’re Arthak Saurfang!

Arthak Saurfang says: Unfortunately so. Nitrogg Thundertower?

Nitrogg Thundertower says: In the flesh! Well, most of it.

He scratches at his burn scars. He makes his way over and clasps a steel gauntlet to his chest while holding a hand out to Arthak.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: To what do we owe the honor of the Broken Blade’s chieftain in Evermorn Hold?

Arthak Saurfang says: We are making our way towards the Foundry, but with the interruption of contact, I had no idea you were making engines like this.

Nitrogg throws his arm around Arthak’s shoulder.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: It’s beautiful, isn’t it!

He sighs as he looks up at the train.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: This right here is the pride of the Foundry. It’s been hard work, but the overseer in charge of building this thing has done a fantastic job. Especially once he gave me permission to throw some prototype weapons on here! Made defending it much better. Especially through gronn territory.

Arthak Saurfang says: Yes. I heard of the gronn.

Nitrogg smiles and looks at the rest of the group.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Ah! And if my eyes aren’t deceiving me, we have the chieftain of the Frostwolves here too! Wait until I tell the boys at the Foundry this. Come on. All of you! We’re all celebrating a bit as we get some repairs done, before heading back to the citadel. There is plenty to celebrate!

He gestures to where a few grunts have a keg of mead they are tapping and passing around.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: To the first successful trip to Evermorn Hold! Let us not stop until we reach the Black Temple!

Nitrogg raises a stein and everyone cheers.

Azgadaan says: So… the first successful one? What about prior attempts?

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Oh, well, this stretch is brand new. This is the first time we took the Grimrail all the way here. We’ve expanded further towards all the other forts and settlements, this is just the first time it docked here.

Arthak Saurfang says: So you hope to connect Hellfire, the Black Temple--

Nitrogg Thundertower says: And all other forts and camps across Outland! This will make transportation of troops and munitions a cinch!

Arthak Saurfang says: Interesting. I would love to see this brought back to the warfront.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: That’s our hope! It’s not cheap, but they are already working on a second one at the Foundry. Once we got enough tracks where there is no risk of collision, we’ll be back in business.

Some of the peons and laborers move over and disconnect the head of the engine. They work towards moving the engine and turning it around and reconnecting to other cars. Munitions and other cargo are being loaded, including a lot of crates and other things that are covered with cloth and the like. The hustle and bustle makes it hard to get a pin-point on much. Some of the lesser demons working on it operate like a well-oiled machine, moving new steel panels into place.

Arthak Saurfang says: So how quickly can this rail get us from here to the Foundry?

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Well, if we’re going safely, maybe no more than six or seven hours. Now if we travel faster, we could get there in five hours flat, maybe a bit less.

Go’el nods.

Go'el says: That is faster than my magic. Even if we went as fast as we could, it would take a day or two.

Azgadaan says: What’s slowing you down the most?

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Well. Once we get to the canyon, we need to slow. The turns are dangerous. The flatter sections through the foothills aren’t so bad, but after we pass through Hell’s Reach Citadel, we need to slow down. The track needs to go over the gorges, but the area is infested with giants. Ogres. Not to mention that bastard Gruul himself and some of his children.

Arthak Saurfang says: I heard he was in the area.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: He is, but he’ll think twice before messing with us again! On our last trip he saw fit to try and take us down, but I gave him a what-for with that prototype weaponry. Lets say he’s lucky I didn’t go for his eye, because our esteemed legend is a hand short now!

Arthak seems to be deeply interested.

Arthak Saurfang says: Gun?

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Sure is! Picture connecting several canons and laying down suppressive fire! I’m pretty proud of it.

Arthak Saurfang says: I’d be honored to see it. I don’t get as much as time as I would like designing new weaponry, but I’m always glad to see what others put together.

Nitrogg gestures to a large canon with three clusters of smaller canons that are all melded together. Nitrogg grins.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: There she is. Before we leave after the repairs, I could show you the finer points if you’re interested?

Arthak Saurfang says: Yes, I would be.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: We’ll be ready to ship off in maybe a few hours at most. I can take you on for a short while before we leave.

Arthak Saurfang says: Appreciated. I imagine the journey has a cost?

Nitrogg scratches his chin.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Want to ride the rail back to the Foundry?

Arthak Saurfang says: Seems the fastest and most interesting way to get there.

Nitrogg grins.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Well the Grimrail isn’t normally open for passengers, but we may be able to make an exception. I should warn you, the rail isn’t as safe as my blustering would have you believe. There are plenty of folk that would see harm to this thing, least of all the gronn.

Arthak Saurfang says: We could provide extra security, and… speaking of the gronn. Is there a, well… we might be interested in making a stop to deal with them as well while we’re passing through.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Is that so? Well, there are no stops between here and the Foundry, but if we’re lucky, he’ll make it easy to find him.

Arthak Saurfang says: And he may have taken those wounds personally.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: True, but you can’t really be expecting to go after Gruul yourself, are you?

Arthak Saurfang says: Not myself.

He gestures to the rest of his band. Nitrogg shrugs.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: You can suit yourself if you’re seeking his head, but without firepower I don’t know how you’re taking that mountain down. But if you bring proof of demise to the Foundry, I know there is a bounty.

Azgadaan says: Do you know how large it is?

Nitrogg Thundertower says: I can’t say I wasn’t keeping an eye on it. Last I checked, it was 16,000 coin.

Azgadaan says: Hmm. That is interesting.

Nyxxa says: Is that a lot?

Arthak Saurfang says: Yes.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Well, if all of you are looking to go, I should have room for you--beasts included. There are stables. We were going to use it for storage, but there shouldn’t be trouble cramming a few beasties in there.

Azgadaan says: So how do you ride this without hearing damage?

Nitrogg Thundertower says: What? Haha, I’m just kidding. You get used to it. And the Blackrock steel does a lot to dull the sound as long as you aren’t in the engine. We should be able to go in about two hours. We should be seeing the Foundry before what passes for nightfall in this place.

Arthak Saurfang says: I would be interested in seeing your weapon as well as the engine and the machine itself.

Nitrogg nods.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Once the repairs are a bit more done, I should be able to give you a tour for the more interesting part. The back end is just equipment, cargo, slaves, the usual.

Arthak Saurfang says: I would be delighted.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: I’ll get you in about an hour or so then. How’s that sound?

Arthak Saurfang says: Perfect.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Good! Don’t break anything or get yourself stabbed!

He smirks and gestures them off before returning to the celebration. Arthak and Azgadaan browse around to look at weapons, and they note that a lot that’s being offered is full siege weapons. They also have prototype fel “welders” of sorts around, which are used in steel fabrication and the like.

Arthak also takes Azuka aside.

Arthak Saurfang says: Azuka. May we talk?

Azuka Stormbreaker says: Of course. Yeah. Is something wrong?

Arthak Saurfang says: No. But I did want to ask you something.

Azuka looks at him quizzically.

Arthak Saurfang says: One of the few reasons I have interest in hunting the gronn. One pertains to you.

Azuka Stormbreaker says: How do you mean?

Arthak Saurfang says: You’ve seen the magic I use. The runes that Gel’nok taught me to utilize.

Azuka nods.

Arthak Saurfang says: Gel’nok brought that knowledge to me so it would not fade with him. So. The brand he used to give me this power was made from a gronn. Should you wish it, I would make a brand from Gruul himself for you.

Azuka blinks.

Azuka Stormbreaker says: Uh… I… that’s… that seems like a lot just for me. Couldn’t that help you more?

Arthak Saurfang says: There are things I will take from Gruul and any other gronn we slay. But this helps me. If you want it.

Azuka considers.

Azuka Stormbreaker says: Okay. I… I don’t know if I’ll be able to use… I don’t know how any of it works, but if you want to teach me, I want to learn. Especially if doing so helps you. A lot of people want to kill you, Arthak, so, the stronger you become, the stronger we become. The clan.

Arthak Saurfang says: Well spoken.

Azuka Stormbreaker says: Do you need anything from me now?

Arthak Saurfang says: No. But once the gronn is slain, assuming we can bring him down, then there will be some things we need to do together.

Azuka nods.

Arthak Saurfang says: You make me proud.

Azuka quickly looks down to the ground, breaking eye contact.

Nyxxa had been keeping an eye out on things in the meanwhile. She notes a group of grunts that board the Grimrail along with two felguards. They are speaking with each other, and they had glanced at Arthak one too many times for her. Once they board the train, Nyxxa does report that sighting to him and warns him to be cautious. Arthak nods.

Before too long, Nitrogg rejoins with them.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: We’ll be heading out soon if any of you want to see where you are going to stay! We can get your beasts situated in the stables.

Sadras says: It may be good for me to stay with Summerpaw.

Rexxar says: Me too. Besides, I feel like these orcish rooms may be a bit cramped. I’ll go where there is more room to stretch my legs.

Nitrogg leads the group to the second car back and opens the heavy steel door. Inside there is a table with a few empty bowls and cups. There are rations strewn about as well as some rogue cooking tools. There are some lights, but all of them are flickering with a fel green.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: This is the car that most of you can stay in. Some of you may need to stay in the barracks car next over, but we have plenty of room. There are some hammocks you can grab in these.

Levia immediately runs into one of the side rooms.

Levia Blackflight says: Dibs!

Nitrogg gestures behind the group.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: We can take a look at the engine first.

He pushes through them and opens the door to the next car ahead. Inside, there is a small, greenly-lit area with whirring mechanisms that are clearly Legion tech. The next door leads into a hallway, which then opens into a larger room that has a few chairs and a view screen, as well as a large fel engine. It’s similar to something that would power a felreaver, and is sitting in the center of the co*ckpit.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: This is the engine and control room where the conductors control the acceleration and make sure we don’t go off rails. These rooms have some generators that are hooked up to the fel engine.

Arthak is able to talk with Nitrogg pretty reasonably about the inner workings of these things, as he had been able to look at Azgadaan’s vehicles. Nitrogg is quite impressed.

He then leads the group back through the mess cart and through the barracks cart where there are rows of bunk bed hammocks.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: A few of you might have to stay in here, but I’ll let you all fight over there.

There are a few grunts sharpening their weapons. Nitrogg leads them out to the fourth cart, which is open air and flanked with rails of Blackrock steel. There are fel canons, and the large swiveling prototype canon at the center.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: There she blows. My personal favorite cart! See there.

He points to a bedroll.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: I’m never far from my baby’s side.

Arthak Saurfang says: Can I take a look?

Nitrogg Thundertower says: By all means! These ones are limited in scope of fire, but this one has 360 degree swivel because of the mechanism to the side. You can control it with these levers here.

He shows Arthak, pointing out the levels that adjust the swivel of the large cannon. Arthak looks at it eagerly, and is able to get a feel of the rough statistics of it. It seems it can either do a spray or more powerful singular shots. More than a few minutes go by, and the chatter is interrupted with a horn blowing and some shouting.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Oh, looks like it’s time to get going. The rest isn’t too interesting. Mainly just cargo holds and barracks. You’ve seen all the fun stuff. But we gotta get going, so make yourselves comfortable. If you need to head to rear of the cars you can, but keep out of the way of the grunts.

Arthak Saurfang says: Will do. Nitrogg, is there any chance I could persuade you to change banners?

Nitrogg laughs.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: You flatter me, Arthak. Don’t know if that’s a good idea, but maybe I can give you a consolation prize. Near the canyon, me and the boys have a bit of a shooting range. If you’d like, once we get there, I can show you this baby in action?

Arthak Saurfang says: I’d be delighted. And, bear in mind, my clan unfortunately lost our forgemaster not too long ago. So consider the offer.

Nitrogg was clearly very flattered, and there was a part of him that wished he could say yes.

The warband makes themselves comfortable in the mess car as they feel the train start to move. The mountains are pitch black save for the bright, fel green of the lights. Soon enough, the light of the sky appears again as they exit the mountain tunnel. Halno and Arthak had started to work on some schematics and ideas of how to remake something like the Grimrail on Azeroth.

They find themselves rumbling across ogre ruins. There is an arena in the distance. About an hour later, nothing of extreme interest seems to happen, but they can hear the sound of geysers letting off outside in a sea of rainbow-colored sulfur springs.

Nyxxa continues to keep an eye on things, and they all largely stick to the mess car. The Grimrail stops briefly at Hellsreach Citadel, and then continues on to the canyon--crossing over a bridge that traverses the first chasm. Azgadaan starts to look out for gronn through one of the port holes.

They start to see precipitation falling from the sky as if it had started to snow. Upon further investigation, it seems to be some sort of lavender purple ash or sand. Arthak recalls Rexxar mentioning something had happened to the Frostfire Ridges--that it was now a desert. It seems the wind was blowing from the direction of Frostfire.

After a bit, Nitrogg knocks on Arthak’s door.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Saurfang, you in there?

Arthak Saurfang says: Yes. What is it?

Nitrogg Thundertower says: We’re coming close on those targets. There’s some sort of sandstorm coming in from Frostwind, but we should be able to make out the targets. If you’re interested?

Arthak Saurfang says: Sure! I would be happy to see a demonstration.

Arthak exchanges a glance with Nyxxa and then gets to his feet to follow Nitrogg. Nyxxa follows after them.

'''Nitrogg Thunder: You’re welcome to come too if you’d like!

Nyxxa says: Of course.

They head through the cars and note the two felguards that had entered the train back in Evermorn Hold, though they step aside to let them through. Nyxxa hears, faintly over the roar of the train, the sound of the door locking behind them.

Meanwhile, back in the mess car, the rest of the group hears their doors lock.

Nitrogg makes his way to the larger of the canons and gestures toward a few rocks in the distance that have poorly-painted gronn faces on them.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Here’s the first set of targets! I’ll show you how this works, then I’ll give you a shot Arthak!

He swivels the gun around, but suddenly the cannon stops. Nyxxa looks over, and notes the cannon only went halfway--pointed at Arthak who was looking expectantly at the targets.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: I hate to do this!

Nyxxa says: sh*t. They locked the doors.

Approaching rapidly on either side of the train, coming from behind the stones, are two infernal machine tormentors that are keeping up with the train. One is piloted by a fel orc along with a gan’arg that is manning a ballista. Nyxxa blows her horn of silent alarm, and then disappears into the rain of sand.

Arthak charges at Nitrogg and jumps at him, managing to get him into a bit of a stranglehold.

Arthak Saurfang says: Job offer still stands, and where do you think they’re going to be aiming next?

Arthak is holding Nitrogg in his seat. Nitrogg looks up at him incredulously and reaches back.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: You are even more persistent than I thought you would be! This is nothing personal, kid!

He grabs a harpoon launcher and tries to fire it in Arthak’s face point-blank. The harpoon pings off Arthak’s armor, and he turns around and starts to wrestle Arthak on top of the seat.

One of the gan’arg sappers pulls out a small canister and puts it into their mechanic fist, which fires at Arthak. It explodes and two heavy, metal stones attached with a chain fires out, electricity crackling between them. However, it goes wide.

Levia looks at Azgadaan back in the mess cart.

Levia Blackflight says: Something is wrong. Nyxxa used that horn.

Azgadaan says: They were having a weapon demonstration… lets go.

The door to their room appears to be locked, but Levia fiddles with it and manages to get the door open and steps out.

Felguard says [eredun]: Stay in your room.

Levia Blackflight says: Why’d you lock us in? We aren’t prisoners.

On the weapon car, two gan’arg fire their harpoons, and one manages to scrape off the edge of his armor.

Arthak Saurfang says: Why do you think they want me dead, Nitrogg? Because I’m a threat. Because I know things. Given your reputation, I thought that may interest you more than the status quo.

In the mess cart, Halno can hear Levia shouting outside. He uses dimension door to get to the other side of the door.

Felguard says: How. How did you… get back in your room.

Halno says: I can’t, the door is locked.

Halno conjures Sylvos above his head.

Sylvos Windrunner says: Hello! How do you do, good fellow?

Azgaadaan gets in front of Levia and tries the door to Go’el’s room. He pulls out his maul and proceeds to start smashing it open.

Felguard says: Hey! Stop!

Azgadaan says: This door is so tacky. I’m not a fan of being locked in my room. Come on out, Go’el.

He hits it again, and the door crumples.

Go'el says: What the hell is going on?

Azgadaan says: We’re being attacked.

Go'el says: Great.

Go’el unsheathes his axe.

On the weapons car, Nyxxa manages to open up the locked door. The orcs inside look confused.

Grimrail Stone Guard says: What the hell? Men, look alive. Thundertower said no one can make it up to the front!

Another gan’arg fires a harpoon at Arthak but it clanks off the side of the train.

Inside the mess car, Lantresor manages to break down his own door and step into the main part of the car.

Go'el says: You’ve got to be kidding me. Can’t we go ONE PLACE without someone trying to kill us?

He winds up and strikes at the felguard with two blows of his axe.

A few more harpoons clink harmlessly off of Arthak’s armor. One of the gan’arg leaps off the infernal machine and grabs onto the moving train, dangling off the edge. Another electric bola is fired at Arthak and it wraps around him, knocking him off his feet on top of Nitrogg and starting to electrocute him.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: I’m sorry Arthak. I really am.

There is definitely a degree of hesitation in Nitrogg’s voice, and he manages to break free of Arthak’s grapple and tosses him against the cannon. He then kicks the door open to the next car and runs into it.

The felguards now start to attack the party still in the mess car.

Felguard says: I’ll put you back in myself!

He punches Halno in the face and knocks him flat on his back. He then raises his glaive and brings it down on Halno, cutting open a grievously bleeding, ichorous wound. The other felguard punches at Go’el and then whips around with his glaive, but the chieftain is able to deflect the blows aside.

Two gan’args throw shredders at the restrained Arthak, filling the area with shrapnel. Arthak is able to break the cord of the bola and gets to his feet.

Arthak Saurfang says: I’m going after him!

He starts to chase after Nitrogg. As soon as he opens the door, he hears the sound of a trap going off and closing on his foot.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Take him out! Don’t let him escape this car!

Arthak draws Champion’s Forge and looks straight at Nitrogg.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Don’t make this harder than it needs to be, Arthak!

Another gan’arg jumps on the train and starts to coordinate with the others over the roar of the train.

Lantresor pushes into the felguard and lands a heavy foot in the demon’s chest, throwing him back into the door and breaking it open.

Lantresor says: Are you alright, Halno?

Halno says: I just wanted to go for a walk.

Lantresor says: Seems we need to earn our right to do so.

Azuka manages to pick the lock and open her door. Veena remains hiding in her room. The felguard continues trying to attack Go’el, but the shaman deflects the blows aside again.

Go'el says: I’ll handle this one! The rest of you get to Arthak!

Go’el uses booming blade and buries his axe into the chest of the felguard--which hurls the felguard into the door behind him and breaks it down. Go’el follows through into the next car, noting the orcs inside.

Go'el says: How many of you are in on this?!

Still using the cover of the sandstorm, Nyxxa closes on a gan’arg and promptly assassinates him. He collapses off the train, and she moves on to the next one--slicing into his hand and sending him tumbling off the train he was hanging onto.

Nyxxa says: If you want to get him, you’re going to need to go through me.

The gan’arg seem unsure, but the fel orcs are grinning with razor sharp tusks.

Fel Orc says: You! Take the wheel!

Gan'arg Sapper says: Alright…

The gan’arg shifts into the co*ckpit of one of the infernal machines as the fel orc prepares to leap onto the train.

In the mess cart, Halno casts summon undead and the spirit of an arakkoan warrior appears behind the felguard. He then focuses his energy through his scepter and his wound starts to knit together.

Sylvos Windrunner says: Hm. Fascinating!

The arakkoan warrior makes a screeching squawking sound and strikes into the felguard with its spectral blade once, twice, and then three times. It drives its blade into the felguard’s gut and whispers something in ravenspeech, causing a haunted look to cross over the felguard’s face.

Inside the next car, the Grimrail stone guard commands the grunts to continue holding off the rest of the party while some of the others follow her to go to the weapon’s car.

Nitrogg fires his harpoon at Arthak but Arthak is able to slice the harpoon in half before it can connect.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Incredible! Seriously! No wonder he wants you dead!

Nitrogg backs off, giving more room for the grunts to attack. Meanwhile, the fel orc leaps at Nyxxa. She is able to deflect his weapon aside and then darts to block the doorway.

Grimrail Stone Guard says: Take them out!

Two grunts attack the arakkoan ghost, and the felguard strikes at the ghost but misses.

Azgadaan disappears as he uses steel wind strike, and the felguard drops dead on the ground as Azgadaan appears behind the orc grunt. The orcs seem to be very injured, and they promptly throw their weapons to the ground.

The orcs in the car ahead start to attack Go’el.

Go'el says: I’m the chieftain of the Frostwolf clan, I go where I please! Now stand down before I cut you down.

Levia Blackflight says: Are you sure you’re alright Go’el?

Go'el says: I’m fine! I’m going to get to the conductor and get to the bottom of this!

Levia Blackflight says: Alright.

Levia flits to the top of the car and starts to run along the top of it.

The Grimrail First Sergeant looks at Arthak and commands her orcs to go for him. One of them goes for Arthak, but only manages to land a glancing blow. Another follows suit as the orcs start to dogpile Arthak.

Halno and his arakkoan companion jump into the barracks car.

Lantresor says: Azuka, stay safe.

Lantresor leaps over the group and charges for the weapon car, smashing into the Grimrail Stone Guard and managing to stun her.

Another fel orc leaps at Lantresor and strikes him, knocking him a few feet backwards. Nyxxa had landed a good strike on another gan’arg, and he throws his shredder behind Nyxxa--between her and Arthak--before starting to run.

Go’el continues to tank the orcs in the front car, deflecting the attacks aside.

The gan’arg still on the Tormentor infernal machine starts to pilot it away, but the gan’arg that had fled Nyxxa shouts for him to wait. After some hesitation, the Tormentor starts to drive back to pick up the fleeing gan’arg.

Meanwhile, Nitrogg proceeds to move deeper into the train.

Levia lands on the weapon car and casts spiritual weapon which clashes harmlessly off the armor of the fel orc raider. A gan’arg throws a stunning bola at Lantresor, which quickly wraps around him. He then tries to jump back to the Tormentor but misses and instead tumbles into the ground. The gan’arg driving the Tormentor slows down to try and pick him up.

Nyxxa continues dueling with a fel orc, and she gets nicked in the shoulder, but jumps back to stand back-to-back with Arthak.

Suddenly, a localized storm appears in the car Go’el is in as he casts storm sphere.

Go'el says: Let. Me. THROUGH.

There is an explosion of lightning and thunder as unattached debris goes flying.

Azgadaan says: Lantresor!

Azgadaan tries to warn Lantresor as he casts hypnotic pattern, but unfortunately Lantresor gets dazed by the colors along with two other orcs. However, the electricity of the bola zaps him awake and Azgadaan starts heading back to help Go’el.

Arthak manages to connect with the grunt directly in front of him, and his flame rune activates. Flaming chains wrap around her and tug her to the ground as flames erupt on her. Arthak steps over her and carves into the next grunt, though she is able to block his strike aside.

Levia uses mass cure wounds and heals both Arthak and Nyxxa before commanding her spiritual weapon to slam into the fel orc raider. Nyxxa ducks under the attack of the orc grunt on her. Lantresor breaks through the bola and prepares to engage the fel orc.

Nyxxa slices twice into the orc grunt, the woman’s wounds rather severe. The orc is clearly looking for an out, but another kick from Nyxxa knocks her out cold.

The remainder of the gan’arg’s zoom away on the final Tormentor, as they are not looking to die today.

Halno casts dimension door and takes his arakkoan guardian with him as he appears in the barracks car beyond the weapons and heals himself with his scepter. The ghost runs for the sergeant, passing through the shelving and starting to claw at her with his glaive.

Go’el continues to deal with the orcs in the train with the storm sphere with Azuka now backing him up.

The Grimrail stone guard closes on Halno and attacks him. His concentration on the spirit wanes, and the ghostly arakkoa vanishes.

Azgadaan continues running to to help Go’el and then uses steel wind strike. He only manages to successfully connect with one and appears in the midst of the storm.

Azgadaan says: Throw down your weapons and surrender and perhaps you’ll live.

The one Azgadaan had wounded drops his weapon.

Grimrail Grunt says: Stop it, stop it. I don’t want to lose my life chasing another orc.

Other orcs are also starting to surrender, but the fel orcs continue to fight, even as Nyxxa grievously injured one.

Grunts continue to dogpile Arthak, but the orcs are continuing to lose morale.

Go’el tells Azgadaan to help the others while he talks to the conductor, and Azgadaan nods and then dimension doors to reposition himself into the barracks car with Arthak and Halno.

Levia twins healing light to heal both Arthak and Nyxxa. She lands, and she seems to be panting fairly bad. However, her spiritual weapon managed to impale the fel orc, and left it crumpling to the ground, dead.

Arthak throws another orc against the wall and she slumps over, unconscious. He bull rushes a second, and she too falls unconscious as he strikes her in the face with his gauntlet. He rounds on the third grunt with a slash--who blocks him. Arthak squeezes past him, and the stone guard bars his way.

The sergeant, however, starts to retreat to see to her companions.

Halno uses summon undead again and this time he summons a decaying, zombified corpse. It claws at the stone guard, and the orc’s body freezes up as its claws connect.

Lantresor is able to successfully drop the fel orc, which gets kicked over the side of the train.

Arthak shoves through the paralyzed orc and runs into the next car. He manages to avoid the trap waiting for him and then burls into the orcs waiting for him. He shoves through all of them and none of them are able to land a hit through his armor.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Holy sh*t!

Nitrogg frantically grabs his harpoon and takes a shot at Arthak, which clanks harmlessly off Arthak’s armor. He throws the gun at Arthak, which does nothing.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Get him off me!

He runs to the next car.

Nyxxa runs after Arthak and pushes by Halno and Azgadaan.

Nyxxa says: How can I keep you safe if you keep running off!

Nyxxa nearly knocks an orc grunt out, and all the laborers immediately drop their weapons.

Halno has his zombie continue to attack the stone guard and grunt.

Halno says: Do you guys want to keep doing this, or are we done?

The stone guard and grunt don’t look like they’re ready to stop yet.

Meanwhile a laborer manages to get a lucky hit on Arthak. Azgadaan quickens fly on himself and takes off out of the train. He hovers, using the speed of the train to his advantage as it flies by, and then he tries to grab onto the caboose train but gets clipped by impact as he grabs on.

Arthak tries to push through the felguard that was blocking his path. The felguard is heavily injured.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Everyone! Get out of the way!

Nitrogg continues to run and he disappears behind some metal.

The grimrail stone guard tries to go after Halno and the zombie slashes at her. She manages to land a good strike.

The laborers all start to run. Nyxxa manages to finish off the felguard. Lantresor backs up Halno.

As Azgadaan hangs on to the back of the car, he can swear he sees a shadow moving in the distance. Sadras pokes her head out after hearing Azgadaan moving outside.

Sadras says: What’s going on?

Azgadaan says: We’re being attacked. Specifically Arthak.

Sadras growls and there is a sudden explosion of feathers as Rexxar explodes into the sky on top of his dread raven. Azgadaan gets onto the roof of the train and starts running back up the train. He then casts arcane metamorphosis.

The remaining orc grunt tries to grapple Arthak but can’t get a good grip and opts to run. However, at that moment, orcs burst into the car Halno is in.


The orcs look at each other and then start to scramble. Halno heals himself with a death coil and calls further up to pass the message on. Nyxxa hears it.

Nyxxa says: sh*t. Arthak! Gruul!

Arthak Saurfang says: All the more reason to wrap this up.

Nyxxa says: I’ll go in first this time.

Nyxxa darts into the next car and she sees the inside of the slave car. All the chambers are full of slaves for transportation. None of them are orcs. There are a few arakkoa, a few krokul, a saberon, and some elves and humans as well. There is also a massive cannon pointed in Nyxxa’s direction. As soon as she steps in, a massive ball of steel starts careening directly at Nyxxa’s face. Nyxxa leaps up over the ball and it then explodes. Fire and shrapnel wafts in. Nyxxa is able to avoid it, and Arthak shields his face, but he’s still up.

Nyxxa closes on Nitrogg and strikes, managing to stun him before she follows up again. She grabs him by the scruff and he tumbles out of the canon and hits the ground.

The train shakes, and there is a screeching sound. The momentum of the train starts to slow. The shadow looms closer, and closer, the details of the gronn more and more detailed. There is an ear-piercing sound of metal bending.

Nyxxa throws Nitrogg back towards Arthak, who then grabs him.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: I give I give! You’re f*cking invincible. That’s amazing.

Arthak Saurfang says: Should have taken my offer.

The train continues to slow. Nitrogg growls.

Nitrogg Thundertower says: Blackhand, you motherf*cker. We need to get back to the canons!

Rexxar lands on his dread raven aboard the roof of the train.

Rexxar says: We don’t have time! He ripped the bridge off. We need to get out of here.

Azgadaan starts to rip into the wall with his maul, and he peers in and sees Nyxxa working to unlock the cages of the slaves. Arthak shoves Nitrogg towards his cannons and then moves in to help Nyxxa by breaking the locks.

Halno joins them in the car, and Nyxxa and Arthak are both able to open one of the cages.

The train is still going very quickly, even as it tries to grind to stop.

Krokul Slave says: What are you doing? It sounds like something terrible is happening.

Nyxxa says: It is. That’s why we’re getting you out. Now go!

The slaves that the group had freed start to move to leap from the moving train just as Azgadaan breaks through the wall.

Rexxar says: Get out of there now! The bridge is almost here!

Azgadaan looks down to the connection on the train and starts to hit it repeatedly with his maul. The connection shatters. Nyxxa gets another cage open as Arthak continues to smash against another cage and Azgadaan calls for the slaves to get into the car he had detached. Halno commands his undead to smack at one lock while he fire bolts another. Another cage opens, and the slaves leap into the car that Azgadaan had freed.

But then the last car uphends, and they feel the distinctive sensation of falling.

Halno grabs Arthak and one of the slaves and uses dimension door. He teleports, and he falls for about 20 feet, and then they land in various states of on their feet. Levia and Rexxar are still flying overhead along with Veena. It seems that Rexxar had managed to grab Azuka in the talons of his dread raven.

Azgadaan tries to slow the last separated car as much as he can, using his raw strength and the power of his magic to try and get it to stop. It stops with two wheels over the edge.

As the dust of the crashing train clears, they can see the silhouette of a massive figure. It’s Gruul making his way over, digging a large hook through the ground. There is the peeling of metal as he tears entire portions of the train off.

As the group gets their bearings, Gruul stops and smells the air.

And then he turns in their direction.

Gruul says: I smell a familiar scent.

His eye shines through the dust, and then locks on Arthak.

Gruul says: The blood of my son is on you, small thing.

He releases an earth-rattling roar. The slaves they managed to rescue step back as Gruul takes a single, massive step forward. Azgadaan looks down at his friends down below. Levia joins him, as does Rexxar--his dread raven dropping Azuka next to them.

They can see Go’el in the wreckage far below.

And then there are war horns and battle cries. Running down the side of the canyon are massive figures--hide-covered bodies of mok’nathal. There are about a dozen and half with their beasts of burden, charging to do… something. On the opposite side of the bridge is one mok’nathal with a massive, red furred cat. He makes eye-contact with Rexxar, and then looks down at the scene below.

Rexxar says: Leoroxx.

Session Twenty-Three — World of Warcraft: Redux (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

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Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.