Démo live - INNOV'events : Agence événementielle Innovante ! (2024)

', h += '

'; var c = '', u = new Date, y = a || u.getFullYear(), v = e || u.getDate(), g = void 0 === t ? u.getMonth() : t, m = u.getMonth(), p = u.getFullYear(); u.getDate(); m === t && a === p && (c = ' style=\'display:none\''); for (var f, D, M, b = s.getDay(); 1 !== b;) s.setDate(s.getDate() - 1), b = s.getDay(); for (var x = 1; x <= i; x++) { h += ''; for (var Y = 1; Y < 8; Y++) { f = s.getMonth(), D = s.getFullYear(), M = s.getDate(), D + '-' + (parseInt(f) + 1) + '-' + M; var F = 'cdate lt-gray'; if (M === v && D === y && f === g && (F = 'cdate lt-gray'), f === g && (F = 'cdate'), (r && M === v && m === g && p === y || !n && M === v && f === g && D === y) && (F = 'sel'), n) { var k = dateFormatConvert.validate(this.calendarNode.value, formCalender.userPattern); k && M === k.getDate() && f === k.getMonth() && D === k.getFullYear() && (F = 'sel') } h += '', s.setDate(s.getDate() + 1) } h += '' } h += '
' + M + '

', h += '

', this.isHideToday || (h += '

Today'), h += '

', h += '

', h += '

'; var C = document.getElementById('template' + this.calendarNode.getAttribute('tplid')); C.innerHTML = h, C.style.display = 'block' }, displaySelectedDate: function(e, t) { if (!t) t = this.calendarNode; if ('today' === e) { var a = new Date; e = a.getDate() + ' ' + a.getMonth() + ' ' + a.getFullYear() } e = e.split(' '); var r = dateFormatConvert.convertFormat(new Date(e[2], e[1], e[0]), this.userPattern); t.value = r, t.focus(), t.placeholder = this.userPattern, formCalender.closeDatePicker(), t.addEventListener('keyup', function(e) { formCalender.calendarNode = this; var t = this.value, a = dateFormatConvert.validate(t, formCalender.userPattern); if (a) { var r = {}; r.date = a.getDate(), r.month = a.getMonth(), r.year = a.getFullYear(), formCalender.updateDatePicker(e, void 0, void 0, r) } }), t.blur() }, closeDatePicker: function() { document.getElementById('template' + this.calendarNode.getAttribute('tplid')).style.display = 'none' }, updateDatePicker: function(e, t, a, r) { var n = document.getElementById('template' + this.calendarNode.getAttribute('tplid')); r && (this.currDate = r.date, this.currMonth = r.month, this.currYear = r.year), void 0 !== t ? 1 === t ? 11 === this.currMonth ? (this.currMonth = 0, this.currYear++) : this.currMonth++ : 0 === this.currMonth ? (this.currMonth = 11, this.currYear--) : this.currMonth-- : void 0 !== a && (this.currYear = parseInt(this.currYear) + a), this.createDatePicker(this.currDate, this.currMonth, this.currYear, !1, !0), n.style.display = 'block' }, stEv: function(e) { e || (e = window.event), e && (e.cancelBubble = !0, e.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation()) } }; window.onclick = function() { for (var e = document.getElementsByClassName('tempCalDiv'), t = e.length, a = 0; a < t; a++) { var r = e[a]; if (document.activeElement === document.querySelector('input[tplid=\'' + r.id.replace('template', '') + '\']')) return; var n = e[a].style; 'block' === n.display && (n.display = 'none') } }; var dateFormatConvert = { shortMon: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], longMon: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'], dayArr: [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31], wod: 1, lm: 'userdate', _dateObj: void 0, lLimit: 80, formats: [{ val: 'YYYY', type: 'year', regex: /\d{4}/, len: 4 }, { val: 'GGGG', type: 'year', regex: /\d{4}/, len: 4, isWEG: !0 }, { val: 'gggg', type: 'year', regex: /\d{4}/, len: 4, isWEG: !0 }, { val: 'YY', type: 'year', regex: /\d{2}/, len: 2 }, { val: 'GG', type: 'year', regex: /\d{2}/, len: 2, isWEG: !0 }, { val: 'gg', type: 'year', regex: /\d{2}/, len: 2, isWEG: !0 }, { val: 'MMMM', type: 'month', regex: /[A-z]{3,}/, long: !0, str: !0, array: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'] }, { val: 'MMM', str: !0, type: 'month', regex: /[A-z]{3,}/, array: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] }, { val: 'Mo', suff: !0, type: 'month', regex: /\d{1,2}(?=st|nd|rd|th)/, max: 12 }, { val: 'MM', type: 'month', regex: /\d{2}/, len: 2, max: 12, alt: !0 }, { val: 'M', type: 'month', regex: /\d{1,2}/, max: 12 }, { val: 'DDDD', type: 'date', regex: /\d{3}/, len: 3, year: !0 }, { val: 'DDDo', type: 'date', suff: !0, regex: /\d{1,3}(?=st|nd|rd|th)/, len: 3, year: !0, ignore: /\d{3}(?=st|nd|rd|th)/ }, { val: 'DDD', type: 'date', regex: /\d{1,3}/, year: !0, ignore: /\d{3}/ }, { val: 'Do', type: 'date', suff: !0, regex: /\d{1,2}(?=st|nd|rd|th)/ }, { val: 'DD', type: 'date', regex: /\d{2}/, len: 2, alt: !0 }, { val: 'D', type: 'date', regex: /\d{1,2}/ }, { val: 'dddd', type: 'longdate', regex: /[A-z]{3,}/, long: !0, str: !0, array: ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'] }, { val: 'ddd', type: 'longdate', regex: /[A-z]{3}/, str: !0, array: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'] }, { val: 'dd', type: 'longdate', regex: /[A-z]{2}/, str: !0, array: ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa'] }, { val: 'do', type: 'longdate', regex: /\d{1}(?=st|nd|rd|th)/, suff: !0 }, { val: 'd', type: 'longdate', regex: /\d{1}/ }], parseFormat: function(e, t) { for (var a, r = this.formats, n = [], s = r.length, i = 0; i < s; i++) { var l = r[i]; if (!e.length) break; if (e.indexOf(l.val) > -1) { if (t && l.alt) { a = !0; continue } a && (l.val = r[i - 1].val, l = r[i - 1]), a = !1, n.push({ format: l, index: e.indexOf(l.val) }), e = e.replace(l.val, Math.pow(10, l.val.length - 1)), i-- } else; } return n.sort(function(e, t) { return e.index - t.index }) }, convertFormat: function(e, t) { this._dateObj = e; var a = this._dateObj, r = this.parseFormat(t, !0), n = {}, s = { date: a.getDate(), month: a.getMonth(), year: a.getFullYear(), day: a.getDay() }; t = this.fmReplace(t.replace(/{{|}}/g, ''), r); for (var i = r.length, l = 0; l < i; l++) { var d = r[l].format; switch (d.type) { case 'date': t = t.replace(d.val + this.lm, this.crctLength(d.year ? this.totdate(s.month, this.isLeap(s.year), s.date) : s.date, d.len, d.suff)); break; case 'month': t = d.str ? t.replace(d.val + this.lm, d.array[s.month]) : t.replace(d.val + this.lm, this.crctLength(s.month + 1, d.len, d.suff)); break; case 'year': t = t.replace(d.val + this.lm, 2 === d.len ? this.crctLength(s.year % 100, 2) : 4 === (s.year + '').length ? s.year : this.crctLength(s.year, 4)), n.year = n.year || [], n.year.push(d); break; case 'day': case 'week': n.flag = !0, n[d.type] = n[d.type] || [], n[d.type].push(d); break; case 'longdate': t = d.str ? t.replace(d.val + this.lm, d.array[s.day]) : t.replace(d.val + this.lm, this.crctLength(s.day, null, d.suff)) } } return t.replace(/{{|}}/g, '') }, fmReplace: function(e, t) { for (var a = 0, r = t.length, n = 0; n < r; n++) e = e.slice(0, t[n].index + a) + t[n].format.val + this.lm + e.slice(t[n].index + a + t[n].format.val.length), a += 8; return e }, totdate: function(e, t, a) { for (var r = 0, n = 0; n < e; n++) r += this.dayArr[n], t && 1 === n && (r += 1); return r + (a || 0) }, crctLength: function(e, t, a) { var r = ''; if (a && (r = this.nthconv(e)), t) { e = e.toString(); for (var n = 1; n < t; n++) e.length <= n && (e = '0' + e) } return e + r }, nthconv: function(e) { if (e > 3 && e < 21) return 'th'; switch (e % 10) { case 1: return 'st'; case 2: return 'nd'; case 3: return 'rd'; default: return 'th' } }, isLeap: function(e) { return 2 === (e += '').length && (e = this.getCorrectYear(parseInt(e))), (e = parseInt(e)) % 4 == 0 && e % 100 != 0 || e % 400 == 0 }, getCorrectYear: function(e) { var t = e + ''; if (e = parseInt(e), 2 === t.length) { var a = (new Date).getFullYear(), r = parseInt(a / 100), n = a % 100, s = (n - this.lLimit + 100) % 100; e = n > s ? e < s ? r + 1 + '' + this.crctLength(e, 2) : r + '' + this.crctLength(e, 2) : e < s ? r + '' + this.crctLength(e, 2) : r - 1 + '' + this.crctLength(e, 2) } return e }, valFormat: function(e, t) { for (var a = {}, r = new Date((new Date).getFullYear(), 0), n = this.parseFormat(t, !0), s = e, i = t = t.replace(/{{|}}/g, ''), l = n.length, d = 0; d < l; d++) { var o, h = n[d].format; switch (h.type) { case 'date': case 'year': case 'week': case 'day': h.regex.test(e) ? (o = 'year' === h.type ? e.match(h.regex)[h.match || 0] : parseInt(e.match(h.regex)[h.match || 0]), a[h.type] = o, e = this.replaceVal(e, h.regex, h.suff), s = this.replaceVal(s, h.regex, h.suff, h.val), h.year && (a.date = getDay(a.date).day)) : a.year && a.week ? (a[h.type] = this.wod, t = t.replace(h.val, ''), i = i.replace(h.val, '')) : a[h.type] = 'Invalid', /date/i.test(h.type) && 0 === a[h.type] && (a[h.type] = 'Invalid'); break; case 'month': h.regex.test(e) ? (o = this.getMonth(e.match(h.regex)[0], h.suff, h.str, h.long), a.month = o.val, e = this.replaceVal(e, o.mon || h.regex, h.suff), s = this.replaceVal(s, o.mon || h.regex, h.suff, h.val)) : a.month = 'Invalid', a.month < 0 && (a.month = 'Invalid'); break; case 'longdate': h.regex.test(e) && (o = h.str ? this.findVal(h.array, e.match(h.regex)[0]) : parseInt(e.match(h.regex)[0]), a.longdate = this.isDef(o.index) ? o.index : o, e = this.replaceVal(e, o.mon || o, h.suff), s = this.replaceVal(s, o.mon || o, h.suff, h.val)) } t = t.replace(h.valForm || h.val, '') } if (this.isDef(a.longdate) && a.day && a.day !== a.longdate ? r.setFullYear('Invalid') : this.isDef(a.year) && r.setFullYear(this.getCorrectYear(a.year)), this.isDef(a.month) && r.setMonth(a.month), this.isDef(a.date) && r.setDate(a.date <= this.dayArr[r.getMonth()] + (1 === r.getMonth() && this.isLeap(r.getFullYear()) ? 1 : 0) ? a.date : 'Invalid'), this._isCorrectFormat = e.length === t.length && i === s && this.validate(r)) return r }, validate: function(e, t) { var a = e.constructor; if (a === Date) return this._dateObj = e, 'Invalid Date' !== e.toString(); if (a === String && t) { var r = this.valFormat(e, t); return r && this._isCorrectFormat && (this._format = t), r } }, replaceVal: function(e, t, a, r) { return e = e.replace(t, r || ''), a && (e = e.replace(/st|nd|rd|th/, '')), e }, getMonth: function(e, t, a, r) { var n; if (a) { var s = this.findVal(r ? this.longMon : this.shortMon, e); n = s.mon, e = s.index, (!n || e > 11) && (e = 'Invalid') } else(e = parseInt(e) - 1) > 11 && (e = 'Invalid'); return { val: e, mon: n } }, findVal: function(e, t) { var a, r, n = e.length; for (r = 0; r < n; r++) if (new RegExp(e[r]).test(t)) { a = e[r]; break } return { mon: a, index: r } }, isDef: function(e) { return void 0 !== e } };

Démo live - INNOV'events : Agence événementielle Innovante ! (2024)
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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Author information

Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.